The Financing a new start-up

The Financing a new start-up
Great startups are built during economic slowdowns. Here are top 10 methods to fund your start-up, when the going is tough. 

  1. Use all free services for your website etc.
  2. Design your own stationery (visiting cards, mailing envelopes, letterhead etc) – Check this out
  3. Use credit cards (clearly set a limit…in India have a Rs. 50,000 for all your start up activities)
  4. Figure out how to use friends and family to provide “free” consulting.
  5. Sign up with advisors who can take some equity. Normally a lot of professionals would want to get some equity.
  6. See if you can get some office space in a incubator or a university.Try this
  7. Become a speaker at some  of the trade shows – gives you free publicity
  8. Sign up with a prospective customer and negotiate to pay some advance. This is the best endorsement you can get for your idea / product. VCs love it.
  9. Search for grants from the government or research foundations. In India, TDB offers a wide range of grants, soft loans and even equity (though may take time) – Here is that site
  10. Finally once you have a product with some customers, start looking for angel investors or VCs. You can start with some place like

And please remember time IS money in a Start-up!!! Learn to use time as currency :-)


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