2020 predictions
I had predicted in 2015 that Facebook will have 2Billion users (prediction number 5 in the blog below). It has already happened!!! http://money.cnn.com/2017/06/27/technology/facebook-2-billion-users/index.html
I had predicted in 2015 that Facebook will have 2Billion users (prediction number 5 in the blog below). It has already happened!!! http://money.cnn.com/2017/06/27/technology/facebook-2-billion-users/index.html
Its been a interesting few months for SAP investors. Stock has jumped from $72 on 6/27/2016 to $103 on 5/12/2017. MCap jumped from $70Billion to $127Billion!! That opens a possibility to think is the stock headed to a market capitalization of $200 Billion? I think there are 3 mega trends which may make this happen. Upcoming
Is SAP worth $200 Billion? Read More »
Answer is Yes and No. All of us have been seeing many articles recently about the coming armageddon of job losses. Some have even predicted that almost 75-80% of all jobs will go away. Time for us to take step back and use our “natural intelligence” before falling for this chicken-little syndrome. I was introduced
Will Artificial Intelligence kill your job? Read More »
All techies could visualize a scenario like this one below. Hillary was approached by Obama to be the secretary of state. She accepts and comes back to her office. Her “IT Team” walks in and asks “Madam – Would you like 2 blackberrys one your personal and one state department”. She thinks for just a
Hillary Clinton – Digitally disrupted? Read More »
Here is the list of top 7 California tech companies (excluding defence/bio tech and unlisted companies like Uber etc as well as Tesla’s ) Collectively they hold $500Billion in cash!! Yes its right Billions (500,000,000,000) 1. Apple (AAPL): $226 Billion 2. Google (GOOG): $85 Billion 3. Cisco (CSCO): $75 Billion 4. Oracle (ORCL): $57 billion 5. Facebook (FB)
List of top 7 California Tech Companies Read More »
I had written an earlier blog in 2012 about how future will look like in 2015. (https://giridevanur.com/innovation/tech-predictions-for-2015) I got some accurately right and some wrong! Now am sticking out my top 10 predictions for 2020. Self driving cars will still not be a reality. Amazon Drones will not deliver your gifts for sure. Desktop computers
Technology Predictions for 2020 Read More »
10. 3-D TV as a concept would have failed – Sony would be the hardest hit in this. Does anyone want to sit at home and watch a serial or a News program on TV in 3D…its sounds almost crazy!! 9. Peope will still be using Laptops and Desktops. Contrary to all the hypeabout
Tech Predictions for 2015 Read More »
Thursday, 22 May 2003, 12:30 IST BANGALORE: Bangalore-based banking and financial services software firm, Ivega Corporation announced its partnership with a leading Paris-based IT Services Company-Valtech. As per the deal, Valtech will expand its duo-shore strategy through a Joint Operating Alliance with Ivega as its exclusive partner in India. Together they will set up a
Ivega, Valtech set up tech facility – Announces Giri Devanur Read More »
Vishwanath Kulkarni BANGALORE, June 1 IVEGA Corporation has acquired the Bangalore-based Qbar Technologies, an IT consultancy firm with expertise in financial services and Internet projects. Mr. Giri Devanur, Chief Executive Officer, Ivega, said the acquisition of Qbar would give a head-start to Ivega’s operations in the UK. Ivega, which recently started its operations in the
Ivega acquires Qbar Tech – Announces Giri Devanur Read More »