List of top 7 California Tech Companies

Here is the list of top  7 California tech companies (excluding defence/bio tech and unlisted companies like Uber etc as well as Tesla’s )

Collectively they hold $500Billion in cash!! Yes its right Billions (500,000,000,000)

1. Apple (AAPL): $226 Billion

2. Google (GOOG): $85 Billion

3. Cisco (CSCO): $75 Billion

4. Oracle (ORCL): $57 billion

5. Facebook (FB) : $22 Billion

6. Qualcomm (QCOM): 20 Billion

7. HP (HPQ): 15 Billion

Just these companies added together make it to the top 20 list of countries by GDP!!

Just incredible

Giri Devanur California

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