Some right..some close ..some way off

As we come close to the end of 2013..I wanted to look at my predictions for 2015. In 2011 I had made 10 predictions for 2015. (

Lets see how they have fared:

10. 3-D TV as a concept would have failed – Sony would be the hardest hit in this Does anyone want to sit at home and watch a serial or a News program on TV in 3D…its sounds almost crazy!!

Accurate. No major hits in this category.  

9. Peope will still be using Laptops and Desktops. Contrary to all the hype about iPads and tablets….users are still not so sure. iPads will rule the tablet market….but it wont kill the desk-top and laptop market…yet.

Accurate. I am still typing this article also on a computer.   

8. IBM will be the winner in Cloud computing. As cloud becomes more main-stream…you will differentiate men from Boys. IBM knows “how to run a data center” better than anyone on earth. So my bet is with IBM on this one.

 Partially right. Fierce fighting between Amazon and IBM is still on. I still think IBM may win this game. 

7. AcBnYwIWilsHAAAAAElFTkSuQmCCwould have sold Motorola…after bleeding billions of dollars. Do we need an explanation for this one??  Tech world has a long history of these kinds of acquisitions having failed miserably.

Partially right.But so far no signs of great success from Google. 

6. A0i7YPrjg2NJAAAAAElFTkSuQmCCwould have sold or closed B4sv5jHkCObXAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC after burning billions….!! Read the story above.

 Almost right. I haven’t heard any one buying a sun server these days!. 

5. NetFlix would be toast..Hard to pick one winner…it can be WalMart (yes WalMart!!) or a potential new service of sSpUqFBD1po1a9asWbN27dopU6b8XwGQoz7hWfbqAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC.

Wrong. Netflix has fought back and others are decimated!. 

4. 4G/LTE Sim cards will be a raging hitWorld would have completely moved into this technology.My guess is atleast 1billion connections of 4G would happen by end of 2015.

Almost right. Its moving very fast.  

3. would be the world’s 3rd most valuable companyWalmart will be #1 and #2 may be ExxOn Mobil. I would personally like apple to be #1..but……

Apple and Exxon is fighting back and forth. Walmart is fighting with Google for 3rd spot!!. Which company will touch a 1 trillion market cap first ?:-) 

2.  BZ8B0LwHZCVwAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC may have lost its market cap by 50% or more…They would have crossed 1.5Billion registered users ….but will be losing a whole lot of users due to FB fatigue.

Accurate /2. It lost half is value after IPO. But has clawed back. The second part is almost true. Teenagers are deserting due to Levis Effect

1. wFO3VB7aUHnCwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==will have beaten AcBnYwIWilsHAAAAAElFTkSuQmCCin search game. zcQOwK6L5Z8AAAAASUVORK5CYII=will be #1.

Absolutely wrong. Bing has not worked the way I thought it will change. 

I will write tech predictions for 2017 soon.

Wish you all a very Happy New Year!!


Mr. Giri Devanur is a Serial Tech entrepreneur, from India, who is currently based in the US. Born in a small town called Chikmagalur, Karnataka, India Giri went later went on to ring the Nasdaq Stock Market Closing Bell in New York City. Giri holds a Master of Science (MS), in Technology Management • from Columbia University in the City of New York, and Executive Education from Harvard Law School, and an Executive Education in Innovation at MIT in Computer Science. He was a mentor of – the Executive Master Program-Columbia University. He is an E&Y Entrepreneur of the year award winner and has successfully completed the Nasdaq IPO of AMRH ( He has helped raise multiple rounds of capital, executed M&A. Giri Devanur is currently the CEO & founder of ReAlpha Tech Corp.

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