iPhone/Apple is dead….Long live Apple/iPhone

@apple announced the arrival of new iPhone X on September 12th, 2017.

10 years ago, I had witnessed the arrival of a technology marvel. Compare the original iPhone with Nokia or Blackberry, which were “the market leaders” back then.


The iPhone was a piece of art. We all started lining up in front of apple stores. @apple was a $25Billion market cap company. Fast forward 10 years and 8 more models of the iPhone, the valuation has shot up to $825Billion. Yes that’s a $800,000,000,000 valuation added in 10 straight years. That is a $219, 178,082 valuation added EVERY SINGLE DAY!! Most of it was because of the ever-changing, ever-improving iPhone. A billion of them have been sold so far. I can’t think of any product which has added so much value EVER in human history!

Now…compare iPhone X to Samsung 8. (for more on this comparison, read Michael Irving’s post here http://newatlas.com/iphone-x-samsung-galaxy-s8-specs-comparison/51345/)


Is there a big difference? NO.

I was shocked to see the iPhone go from being the only one of its kind to being almost indistinguishable from other phones.

I thought, “the iPhone is dead”. I have been an @apple fan since 1991 and this was the first time, in all those years, that I thought, the game is over. Apple will see the same fate as all other innovators of their times.

Then…I went back to see their website and found this video. See the beginning 2 Mins (a soulful speech by Steve jobs himself) and if you don’t want to see further, jump to 32:00 Mins and watch from there for a few mins.


That woke me up. @apple is a truly innovative company. We will soon be abandoning our current glass phones  that come in rectangular white boxes for a simple watch. That is when you will realize the genius of Apple.

I think the next wave @apple will unleash something on the lines of an iWatchPhone.

Why do we need a box? I am sure they have enough technology today already to expand the watch screen to the size of a phone. (Samsung has already applied for a patent https://www.sammobile.com/2017/02/26/slide-out-expandable-displays-join-foldable-smartphones-in-latest-samsung-patents/)

Apple will not be the first to make the newest technology. But Apple will make it THE best!

So, I don’t see we holding a phone in our hand at all. We tie the iWatchPhone. 

And that will be another billion apple products sold.

And apple will cross $1 TRILLION in valuation.

And once again, we will chant, long live iPhone !!

We have come a long way from 1922 (first film on a mobile phone)


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