
Mr. Giri Devanur is a Serial Tech entrepreneur, from India, who is currently based in the US. Born in a small town called Chikmagalur, Karnataka, India Giri went later went on to ring the Nasdaq Stock Market Closing Bell in New York City. Giri holds a Master of Science (MS), in Technology Management • from Columbia University in the City of New York, and Executive Education from Harvard Law School, and an Executive Education in Innovation at MIT in Computer Science. He was a mentor of – the Executive Master Program-Columbia University. He is an E&Y Entrepreneur of the year award winner and has successfully completed the Nasdaq IPO of AMRH ( He has helped raise multiple rounds of capital, executed M&A. Giri Devanur is currently the CEO & founder of ReAlpha Tech Corp.

Giri Devanur Wall Street Journal

That Vacation Home Listed on Airbnb Might Be Owned by Wall Street

Investment firms are buying up more vacation homes, aiming to cash in on growing demand from tourists and remote workers. Most vacation rental homes are owned by small-time owners who list their properties on websites such as Airbnb Inc., but the number of financial firms investing in the sector is growing. New York-based investment firm

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How To Who Episode 8

Wie zu wem Folge 8

 Holland Walker (00:05 – 00:34) Hallo allerseits. Willkommen zu einer weiteren Episode von How to Who: The Secret of Success. Heute gesellt sich zu Giri und mir Cameron Armstrong, der Gründer von VF Protocol. Er hat viel Erfahrung in den Bereichen Medien, E-Commerce, Produktmanagement und jetzt Kryptowährung. Deshalb freuen wir uns sehr, heute mit ihm

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