2 ideas for new startups

I know why some of you may think I am just throwing off these ideas. Unless executed well, all ideas are….just ideas. Hence, instead of wasting them away, here I am posting so that some one may get “some other ideas” to build a startup around them.

Spending hours in airports either waiting for luggage or waiting for someone can be a painful activity. Especially in international airports.

Idea No1.

Imagine you are waiting at the baggage carousel. The airlines know your name AND know which is your luggage (I hope so). Why can’t be a display system which keeps showing once the baggage drops into the conveyor belt, its scanned and a large display screen shows that your baggage has been dropped. A revenue model? How many Samnsonite’s or American Tourister (even Tumi lovers!!) names would love to show off their brands, if they are displayed like this image!. Or even an app which can get the data from the airport scanners at the loading zone. I would pay $2.99 for that app.

.Giri Devanur airport idea1


Idea No2.

OK…now either you are a passenger in a a strange airport or you are a host waiting to receive a guest whom you have not met. Can there be an easier way? Imagine simply putting a numbering system which is displayed on a large screen that a John Doe is waiting for Jane Doe with a number? Imagine all those guys carrying name plates and searching for your own name etc…Cant there be a smarter and simpler way?

Giri Devanur airport idea1-2

“Certainly, travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living”…….  Mary Ritter Beard

Mr. Giri Devanur is a Serial Tech entrepreneur, from India, who is currently based in the US. Born in a small town called Chikmagalur, Karnataka, India Giri went later went on to ring the Nasdaq Stock Market Closing Bell in New York City. Giri holds a Master of Science (MS), in Technology Management • from Columbia University in the City of New York, and Executive Education from Harvard Law School, and an Executive Education in Innovation at MIT in Computer Science. He was a mentor of – the Executive Master Program-Columbia University. He is an E&Y Entrepreneur of the year award winner and has successfully completed the Nasdaq IPO of AMRH (Ameri100.com). He has helped raise multiple rounds of capital, executed M&A. Giri Devanur is currently the CEO & founder of ReAlpha Tech Corp.

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